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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy May

I love May. If I had to choose one of the 12 months to be my favorite... I would most definitely choose May. For so many reasons. It starts off right with Mother's day. Even though my babies are too young to understand that on Mother's day they should be fanning me with large paradise palm leaves and feeding me funfetti cake, I still love the day. Though, I'm totally kidding about the fanning. Not the cake. Mother's Day to me is kind of like a birthday. Celebrating the day that my true self was born when I pushed a tiny lil Charlea soul into the world. I became a mama, and that is cause for celebration. May delivers. 

Next May brings the day that my mama became a mama. My Brother's birthday. The relationship between my brother and I has been interesting. I'll break it down in quarters. The first quarter of my life I spent adoringly following him around, the next quarter I spent most of my time stealing his GI joes and beating him up, unafraid of retaliation (because at a year younger, I was bigger and much more mean). The next quarter we spent ignoring each other... maybe a door slam and a yelling match here and there. This last quarter has been interesting. We somehow made our way into adulthood together. Sometimes I still just want to hang around him... Talk to him... play with his toys and sometimes I just want to slap the jerk out of him and promise myself that I will never speak to him again. We certainly don't have this "made for the movies" big brother, lil sister relationship... But I love my brother. Whether we were fighting or playing nicely, it was always just him and I. He is my ultimate best friend and no matter how many titles I gain in my life... one of the first titles I was ever given was "sister" and that is unbreakable. A big Happy May Birthday to my big brother, Brock. 

I love seasons... the changing of seasons more specifically. May is when it starts getting hot in Vegas. Literally, the first week in may is spring, but by the last? It is full blown summer. Out with the tiny baby bikini's, flowery sun dresses, and ice cream dinners. Summer feels like the vacation portion of the year. May delivers again.

I have to say... Along with May, October holds a special place in my heart. Pumpkins, comfort food, candy, cool weather, nutmeg.... I could go on. December is right up there as well. I think I love Christmastime even more these days than as a Santa obsessed little girl. Ah yes, May has some stiff competition for sure. It wasn't until 3 years ago that May officially beat out the rest and became my very favorite. 3 years ago on May 16th I married my Tyson. Three years, one big move, one career change, two babies, three pregnancies,  and thousands of kisses later... I am still as madly in love with him today as I was the day those three words, eight letters left my lips for the first time. No one knows me like you do, babe. Thank you for three years of incandescent love... love that grows brighter and stronger with every day that passes. I love you. If your a bird, I'm a bird :)

So that's it! Ahhh May, I love you so! And there's still 11 days left! Lets see what kind of fabulous trouble we can get ourselves into in that time.

Just a side note! May, the 5th month of the year, my littlest chic turned 5 months old. So I'll leave you with her 5 month picture......

Happy May to everyone!!!

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